
Tamberlane: A Talking Animal Fantasy Comic - Deluxe Omnibus

Created by Caytlin Vilbrandt

A hardcover omnibus of the first four books in the Tamberlane saga, a comic about a bat raising a human in a cozy, mysterious town.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Nearing the End of Production!
26 days ago – Tue, Apr 09, 2024 at 08:49:44 AM

Hello, all! We've received a very rough estimate for the remaining production timeline, assuming no changes need to be made!

They're sending us the covers to verify any day now, and a final pre-production sample should go out a couple days after that. The original estimates for those were April 7th and April 9th, but they're delayed a couple of days -- so when I say any day now, I mean any day now!

After that, assuming we've approved everything, then the books will be put on the boat by end of April.

With conservative estimates, assuming it takes a month to cross the ocean, we should be ready to fulfill everyone's rewards by June!! Thank you so much for your patience as we learned valuable lessons about printing five whole bloody books at once. We're SO excited to get these things in your hands!!

Folks at the $1000 tier, I'm going to be getting to work on your commissions within the next couple of weeks! :D

In the meantime, MAKE SURE YOU'VE FILLED OUT YOUR SURVEY! We have 35 people who haven't answered their surveys, and if you don't answer the survey, you don't get your rewards. (Heck, I still have rewards sitting around from previous Kickstarters that never got sent cuz y'all didn't fill out your surveys.) 

In addition, if you have to update your address, I have not locked them. So you can go here to edit your survey and update your address!

Whew! I think that's it! It's happenin', y'all! I'll report back when I have photos of the samples!

More Progress!
2 months ago – Thu, Feb 29, 2024 at 08:41:16 AM

Hey y'all! Lunar New Year has ended, which means our printer is back from vacation and work is moving again. We've approved the foil colors and ribbons, and they have sent us a new proof!

These are the "fold and cut" proofs -- what the insides of books actually look like! They're made of "signatures": bundles of pages that have been printed on a single sheet of paper and folded into a booklet, then had their edges cut to size (and to get rid of unnecessary folds). 

The best part of this proof is we get to see what sizes the books will actually be!!

The size of Books 1 and 2...
...books 2 and 3...
...books 3 and 4...
...and book 4 and the huge omnibus!!

There are some printing errors we're addressing, so it's not done and approved yet. This process has been sooooo much bigger than I expected or planned for. All I can say is I'm never printing 5 books at once again, especially not with a giant omnibus, no matter how much of a ""slight redesign"" 3 of them are. 

Hold me to that, will ya? ;)

Anyway, here's a little video flipping through the Omnibus!

All that to say, things are chugging along, albeit slowly. Thanks for your patience!!

Cover Proofs
4 months ago – Fri, Jan 19, 2024 at 01:35:43 PM

Hey all! Small update -- just got in the first proofs for the covers! Some notes:

  • These are for COLORS ONLY. They are not on the same material the covers will be printed on. The final material will be much more matte/less shiny.
  • They do not have the gold foil or UV applied.


  • For the softcovers, the name of each chapter, as well as the little gold flourish on the back cover will be in gold foil.
  • For the hardcover, the foil will be: the thick/thin line frame around the front and back, the flourishing frame around the artwork on the front, and the lines and title on the spine.
  • For the softcovers, the "Tamberlane" title and the Hollow Tree Studios logo will have raised UV gloss. (They'll feel shinier and a bit raised from the background)
  • For the hardcover, Belfry and Tamberlane will have the raised UV gloss.
  • On the hardcover, the parts inside the frame besides Belfry (and maybe Tamberlane? I have to remember lol) will be debossed, so will be set into the cover a little bit.
  • All of the books will have the same inside covers of the map of Treehollow, greyscale instead of the color version the Patreon backers are getting separately.

Whew. That's enough prattling from me. Have some photos!

I'll keep you updated as soon as we know more!

Caytlin & the Tamberteam

Progress Update
4 months ago – Fri, Jan 12, 2024 at 12:20:09 PM

Hey y'all!! Thanks for your patience in this long silence. Part of the silence is there just wasn't much to share. Between the holidays on our end and a busy schedule on the printer's end, there hasn't been a ton to update you with! Technically there still isn't, but I figured I'd let you know where we stand:

  • I have dropped my final approval on the internal pages for the softcovers so they're flagged as okay to print.
  • I haven't received a fresh proof for the Omnibus since our last edits round yet, so I'm waiting on that.
  • I am waiting on hard proofs of the covers for all books.
  • I am waiting on foil samples as well for what kind of gold foil we're using.

February is lunar new year so the printer is going to be shut down for at least half the month. No idea what timeline is like right now, since they can't give me much of an estimate til things are all ready for printing and production. Right now, production start is dependent on how quickly I can turn around edits/review, and lemme tell you, I'm dragging so it takes longer than I'd like to get to it. But now the ball's in their court, so it's a waiting game!

Thanks for your patience, y'all! Looking forward to putting these into your hands!!

Caytlin & the Tamberteam

Tamberlane Relaunch Read-Along: Friday!
5 months ago – Wed, Dec 13, 2023 at 07:58:11 AM

We are SUPER excited to announce the public release of an EXTENSIVE edit of the first four chapters of Tamberlane! As you know, during our production of the Omnibus collection, we spent hours pouring over every page of the first Arc (Chapters 1-4), tweaking dialogue and art when needed, both for story consistency and to ensure the best telling of this story! Over the years, the Tamberlane Saga has  evolved significantly and it was super gratifying to be able to go back and make adjustments.

To celebrate this big relaunch (which happens to be around my birthday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY ME), we'll be hosting a launch party on my Twitch on Friday, December 15 at 9AM PST! We hope to see you there! 

As for how the books are going, we just submitted another small round of edits and hopefully that will be the last ones! Still no word on production schedule except that the printer is pretty much ready to begin production as soon as these edits are squirreled away. I'll get you guys updates as I have them.

See you at the stream, y'all!!

Caytlin & Team