
Tamberlane: A Talking Animal Fantasy Comic - Deluxe Omnibus

Created by Caytlin Vilbrandt

A hardcover omnibus of the first four books in the Tamberlane saga, a comic about a bat raising a human in a cozy, mysterious town.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

25% Funded in Less than 2 HOURS! Thank you all SO MUCH!
about 1 year ago – Tue, Apr 25, 2023 at 01:27:11 PM

Our characters screaming with excitement!

We're over the moon, y'all! We've reached a quarter of our entire goal within two hours of launch thanks to your enthusiasm and support! We're honored that you are all as excited about the Omnibus and Softbound as we are!

Be sure to check in over the campaign, as we'll be continuing to share updates, announce streams to discuss the campaign and the Omnibus's development, and even give you all a surprise at the halfway mark of the campaign as thank you for all of your support over the years.

With love and appreciation,

Ari, Caytlin, and the Tamberteam